


Meiji Amino Collagen 
In Can 214gr IDR 420.000

( 30 + 3 days suply )
Net Weight 214gr

Sugar free, No sweetner, Low calories.
Contains only 27kcal & 0.08g fat
1 spoon (about 7g) = Daily requirement of 5000mg collagen.
Drink with tea, coffee, juice or even soup.

Refill IDR 380.000
Net Weight 214gr

Jamin aman, di Singapore di jual seperti di WATSON, outlet2 di mall-mall. Ini ad review dari website resmi nya.
review fromhttp://www.meiji.com.sg/subcategory.php?subcat_id=18 :
About Amino Collagen 
The use of 5000mg *1 of FISH-derived collagen peptide.
FISH-derived collagen is 1.5 times more absorbable than pig-derived collagen.
The benchmark amount necessary for a day is 5000 mg because about one-third of the amount of protein we need per day, or 20 g, comprises collagen in our body, and because collagen is metabolized about 4 or more times slower than other proteins.


In can 214gr IDR 580.000

Refill 214gr IDR 580.000

What's Premium Amino Colagen ?

Premium Amino Collagen adalah kombinasi super masa kini yang sangat sangat dibutuhkan, dimana supplemen ini juga mengandung Hyaluronic Acid (untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit setiap hari) & Coenzyme Q10 yang akan memudahkan penyerapan supplemen dalam tubuh.
Premium Amino Collagen sangat direkomendasikan untuk wanita yang menginginkan kulit lebih lembut, bersih & bersinar.


1 Sendok Premium Amino Collagen mengandung :

5000mg of 100% Fish-derived, Refined, Low Molecular Collagen Peptide - Sangat mudah diserap oleh tubuh..

450mg of Arginine (Amino Acid) - memperbaiki kecantikan kulit.

50mg of Vitamin C - dibutuhkan untuk membentuk collagen.

60mg of Hyaluronic Acid - membuat wajah terlihat lebih muda, cerah, & mengurangi kerutan.

10mg of Coenzyme Q10 - Coenzyme Q10 sangat baik untuk kesahatan, kecantikan, & vitalitas tubuh kita.

60mg of Glucosamine - Salah satu tipe gula amino yang sering digunakan dalam supplemen sebagai komponen yang membentuk Hyaluronic Acid.

Q & A about Collagen 
Q. Are collagen supplements necessary for someone in their
20s like me?
A. Did you know that collagen starts to decrease drastically after age 20? Factors such as ultraviolet light and stress accelerate the loss of collagen. As for beauty care, the early bird catches the worm. An early start is recommended.

Q. Are there any supplements I shouldn't take with Amino Collagen?
A. No, But if in doubt, please seek medical advice.

Q. Will I gain weight?
A. 1 spoon (about 7 g) of Amino Collagen contains 27 kcal and only 0.08 g of fat only. You can take it even when you are on a diet.

Q. Can I heat it?
A. You can heat or cool it without affecting the components. 

information : http://www.meiji.com.sg/subcategory.php?cat_id=3&subcat_id=18

No. 1 seller for an amazing
3 consecutive years in Japan! *

The regular choice of health and beauty-conscious women.
* No. 1 collagen supplement for three consecutive years
(Based on Health Beauty Foods Marketing Handbook 2006,
2007 and 2008 published by Fuji-Keizai)
Best Seller in Singapore! Watsons HWB 2007
Best selling : Beautiful hair & skin supplements (collagen)

Watsons HWB 2008
Best selling : Beautiful Skin (collagen)

Guardian Health & Beauty Award 2007
Category winner (Beauty Supplement)
Guardian Health & Beauty Award 2008
Category winner (Oral Beauty Supplement)

Amino Collagen is made from extremely pure and highly absorbable fish collagen peptide.
That's why there's 5000 mg!
Amino Collagen is made from 100% low-molecular fish collagen (collagen peptide),which offers higher levels of absorption than pig-derived collagen and contains only 27 kcal.After purification, the selected ingredient is made into low-molecular collagen through our own enzyme processing. The transparency of the solution proves the purity! 
for more information : http://www.meiji.com.sg/ 

gambar asli d mall, di ambil di luar negri, satu2ny produk yang ga di diskon,
bisa diliat diatas ny diskon20%, untuk meiji amino harga normal.. laku banget..

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